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As Seen On ESPN!

Impressions DemoMike Romano
00:00 / 04:31
The Bainbridge Killings NarrationMike Romano
00:00 / 03:27
At The City's Edge NarrationMike Romano
00:00 / 01:12
Animation DemoMike Romano
00:00 / 02:29
Commercial DemoMike Romano
00:00 / 02:17
Me Boo and the Goob NarrationMike Romano
00:00 / 02:33

Audio Books


Wonderful Narration 

This book was great to listen to. Very expressive narration. The story in itself was also good, but I think if I was reading this book I may have put it down after a while, but with the narrator’s skill and different voices, this was very enjoyable to listen to.


Well Written and Hilariously Told

I needed something that would get me through a long drive from Florida to middle Louisiana, and let’s just say, this book did not disappoint. Growing up in the south, I totally connected with all of the characters and the narrator’s “kid logic”. I found myself actually laughing out loud and being nervous to take a sip of water because at any moment it may come out of my nose. Highly recommend if you’re looking for an easy novel that brings you back to your southern roots and nostalgic moments from your childhood.

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